Kindergarten Open House 2024

Bay Ridge Catholic Academy is committed to providing quality Catholic Education to the Bay Ridge Community.

Join us on October 25, 2024 at 10AM for our Kindergarten Open House.

Meet our faculty and administration as well as learn about our programming.

About Our Kindergarten Program

Register for our Open House

Kindergarten FAQs


Yes! 7:15 is when early morning drop off begins, and aftercare goes from dismissal to 6PM. These are for an added fee.

Yes, we have a full time nurse on staff.

We have an average class size of 18:2.

Yes, kindergartners take Technology, Foreign Language, Physical Education, Music, Art, and STEM.

Students can participate in Marvel Science and art are standard offerings. Other enrichments are offered on rotation.

Yes, we offer school lunch 5 days a week through Campus Cuisine.

Our students participate in educational school trips throughout the year.